Immigration Resources for Families / Recursos de Inmigración Para Familias
We understand that recent concerns about potential immigration enforcement activities may be causing concern and uncertainty for some in our community. We want to reassure you that we have adopted protocols so that our schools can be safe for all students and staff, regardless of immigration status, background, or personal circumstances. You are a valued part of our school community, and we are committed to providing a welcoming and supportive environment where all students can learn and thrive.
As a reminder, the Sweetwater District does not collect or maintain any information regarding the immigration status of our students. Our process includes the following Board Policies and Administrative Regulations (Board Policies 5145.13; 5145.22; 5145.23; 5145.29; and Administrative Regulation 5145.13). These policies provide instructions to our staff on how to manage these sensitive interactions.
It is also essential to address the importance of accurate information during these uncertain times. We kindly ask everyone to refrain from spreading rumors or misinformation regarding immigration enforcement. Sharing unverified information can exacerbate fear and anxiety within our community. Instead, we ask you to please contact your school site administration if you are seeking information and clarification.
Our priority is to create a safe and nurturing learning environment for every student. To achieve this, we will persist in providing resources that empower our students and their families, enabling them to excel both academically and socially.
Entendemos que las preocupaciones recientes sobre posibles actividades de control migratorio pueden estar generando inquietud e incertidumbre en nuestra comunidad. Queremos asegurarles que hemos adoptado protocolos para que nuestras escuelas sean seguras para todos los estudiantes y el personal, sin importar su estatus migratorio, antecedentes o circunstancias personales. Ustedes son una parte valiosa de nuestra comunidad escolar, y estamos comprometidos a brindar un entorno acogedor y de apoyo donde todos los estudiantes puedan aprender y prosperar.
Como recordatorio, el Distrito Sweetwater no recopila ni mantiene información sobre el estatus migratorio de nuestros estudiantes. Nuestro proceso incluye las siguientes Políticas de la Mesa Directiva y Regulaciones Administrativas (Políticas de la Mesa Directiva 5145.13; 5145.22; 5145.23; 5145.29; y Regulación Administrativa 5145.13)). Estas políticas proporcionan instrucciones a nuestro personal sobre cómo manejar estas interacciones sensibles.
También es fundamental resaltar la importancia de la información precisa en estos tiempos de incertidumbre. Pedimos a todos que eviten difundir rumores o información errónea sobre operativos migratorios. Compartir información no verificada puede aumentar el miedo y la ansiedad dentro de nuestra comunidad. En su lugar, les pedimos que se comuniquen con la administración de su escuela si necesitan información o aclaraciones.
Nuestra prioridad es crear un entorno de aprendizaje seguro y enriquecedor para cada estudiante. Para lograrlo, continuaremos proporcionando recursos que empoderen a nuestros estudiantes y sus familias, permitiéndoles sobresalir tanto académica como socialmente.
Resources for Families / Recursos Para Familias

Immigration Resources for Families
Red Cards / Tarjetas Rojas: These cards from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center are available in 16 languages to help people understand and assert their Constitutional rights.
Guide for Students and Families on Immigration Enforcement Actions at California Schools: This two-page document from the California Attorney General’s Office includes information on the right to a free public education, what is and is not required for school enrollment, personal information confidentiality protections, as well as student and family safety information. It is also available in Spanish with plans for additional languages to be added on the Resources for California’s Immigrant Communities webpage from the Office of the Attorney General.
Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Plan: This toolkit from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center goes into detail about different childcare options available in case of an absent parent, where to find trusted immigration services, and how to prepare for contact with an immigration officer.
Fact Sheet for Child Welfare and Guardianship Stakeholders: This fact sheet describes Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) policy that allows parents or legal guardians who are arrested or detained by ICE to maintain visitation with their child or incapacitated adult for whom they serve as guardian, coordinate their care, and participate in any related court or child welfare proceedings, without regard to the dependent’s citizenship or immigration status.

Attorney General Bonta Provides Guidance to Students, Educators on Immigration Enforcement on School Campuses / El Fiscal General Bonta ofrece orientación a estudiantes y educadores sobre la aplicación de las leyes de inmigración en los campus escolares
Guidance to Students, Educators on Immigration Enforcement on School Campuses
Promoting a Safe and Secure Learning Environment for All