Academic Decathlon Scoring Guidelines

Academic Decathlon Scoring Guidelines

Academic Decathlon = 7 written tests, essay, speech, interview plus super quiz

  1. Art -50 questions x 20 points = 1000 possible points
  2. Music – 50 questions x 20 points = 1000 possible points
  3. Social Studies – 50 questions x 20 points = 1000 possible points
  4. Literature – 50 questions x 20 points = 1000 possible points
  5. Science – 50 questions x 20 points = 1000 possible points
  6. Economics – 50 questions x 20 points = 1000 possible points
  7. Math – 35 questions x 28.5 = 997.5

Total – 7000 points

  1. Speech – average of two scores out of 100 x 10 = 1000
  2. Interview – average of two scores out of 100 x 10 = 1000
  3. Essay – possible 100 x 10 = 1000

Total – 3000 points

Grand Total Possible for each student – 10,000 points

Only the top two scores from each category of student are counted for the team score. Students are labeled by number, first the school number and then their ranking by GPA category.

Academic Decathlon:

  • Honor student (3.75-4.00)
  • Scholastic (3.00-3.74)
  • Varsity (0-2.99)

For Example:

School number = 14

Honor Students numbers = 1401, 1402, 1403

Scholastic Students’ numbers = 1404, 1405, 1406

Varsity Students’ numbers = 1407, 1408, 1409

Only the top two scores from each of the test categories count toward the team score so 10,000 x 6 = 60,000 is the maximum possible team score.

Super Quiz:

Each student category answers 14 questions. The top two scoring decathletes in each category are counted. The maximum score for each student is 14 x 70 points = 980 points.

2 Honors + 2 Scholastic + 2 Varsity = 6 x 14 x 70 = 5,880 maximum possible team points.

The Super Quiz Score is counted as the overall team score rather than an individual student’s score.