You are required to inform the School Nurse if your child is on continuing medication for a non-episodic condition (Ed. Code 49480). The School Nurse or other designated school staff may assist your student in taking medication.
Medication will only be administered at school if there is written consent from the physician and parent. The physician shall provide written instructions detailing the method, amount, time, and route for taking the medication. For more information, please call your School Nurse. Parents are to pick up unused medication at the end of each school year.
Prescriptions for medications to be taken at school must be written by a licensed physician in the United States. Prescriptions originating in any other country will not be accepted.
All medications are to be retrieved at the end of each school year by the parent or verbal permission is given to School Nurse or administration to send them home with the student. The school site is not held liable for medication left at school.
EC 49423.1 Students may carry and self-administer inhaled asthma medications and/or use an Epi-Pen provided the physician and parent forms have been filled out and reside with the School Nurse. Staff will use the following guidelines:
- The student is able to self-administer medication as confirmed by a physician.
- The parent/guardian must consent to the self-administration of medication.
- Provide a release for school staff to consult with the student’s physician regarding the medication and release the district and school staff from civil liability in the event of an adverse reaction to the medication.
- Annual renewal of all prescriptions to be given at school.
Physician Recommendation for Medication at School form.
The School Nurse may supervise Insulin injections. The parent must purchase all durable medical equipment.
American Diabetes Association Website
Students may carry their inhalers with them. If the student is not responsible in its use, the inhaler may be kept at the Nurse’s Office.