Section 504


Información en Español

Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 USC 12101 et seq.) prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Section 504 requires school districts to identify and evaluate children with disabilities in order to provide them a free, appropriate public education. Individuals with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, including seeing, hearing, walking, breathing, working, performing manual tasks, learning, eating, sleeping, standing, lifting, bending, reading, concentrating, thinking, speaking, are eligible to receive services and aids designed to meet their needs as adequately as the needs of non-disabled students are met.

Name and contact information of the District’s designated individual for implementing Section 504:

Sonia Picos – Director Student Support Services 
1130 Fifth Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91911
Phone: (619) 691-5564

  • Screening and evaluation procedures used by the District when there is a reason to believe a student has a disability under Section 504 can be obtained from the department.
  • A student has the right to a written accommodation plan if the student qualifies for services under Section 504.
  • A student has the right to be educated with nondisabled students to the maximum extent appropriate based on the student’s needs.
  • A copy of the parents or guardians legal safeguard can be obtained from the school site 504 administrator.