Meeting the academic and behavioral needs of all students is a top priority for educators and administrators. MTSS is an effective framework that can help achieve this goal. By providing a multi-level, comprehensive, and data-driven system of support, MTSS can address the needs of all students, regardless of their learning or behavioral challenges.
Tier 1: Universal Instruction (All)
Universal instruction provides evidence-based academic and behavioral instruction and support to all students by addressing core instruction deficiencies. Approximately 80 percent of the students respond to Universal Instruction.
Tier 2: Targeted – Supplemental Interventions and Supports (Some)
Targeted support provides focused, targeted intervention to some students in addition to and aligned with the core academic and behavior curriculum and instruction. Approximately 10 to 15 percent of students typically need targeted supplemental interventions and support while continuing to be instructed in the core program. The Student Success Team (SST) Handbook provides more detailed information on a key Tier 2 support.
Tier 3: Intensive – Individualized Interventions and Supports (Few)
Intensive support is designed to provide highly individualized interventions to a small percentage of students who require the most intensive level of support. Approximately 5 to 10 percent of the students will respond to individualized interventions and support.
Systems of support available within SUHSD
The table below describes some of the supports that are available for students in each of the areas of focus for MTSS work (Academic, Culture of Belonging, Behavioral, and Mental Health) within SUHSD.